Learn Michael Jackson's "Thriller" Dance

The King of Pop...I grew up watching the Thriller video and always love, love, loved it!!! What dancer in the world doesn't have an admiration for Michael's moves? And what true-blue music video fan isn't familiar with this classic?

Every time they play this song at a dance there is always one person in the room who knows the moves...and I always wished I knew how to do the moves too...so I added it to my life goals list! And lucky for me, there are plenty of YouTube tutorials on it!!! So, I set aside some time over the course of a few weeks, and now I can truly move like a zombie... :)

I was going to film myself doing this and put it on this blog...but I just can't bring myself to do it. Something about having me do a zombie dance on a blog that is public to the entire world doesn't seem appealing to me at this point...but keep checking back to see if I changed my mind. In the meantime, unless you catch me at a dance and the "Thriller" song happens to come on you probably won't see me doing it. ;)

However, I will not leave you without anything to watch...check out some PROFESSIONALS doing it as an anniversary tribute on The Today Show this past year...INCREDIBLE!!!

"Step It Up" Dancing Thriller on the Today Show

RIP Michael...
