Watch Every Academy Award Winner for Best Picture

Okay, I have thought long and hard about this. I think the easiest thing to do to impart my feelings on this goal entry is to become a temporary movie critic. Here are my lists from the Academy Award winners...

My "why in the heck did this win ANY award much less Best Picture" list:
Midnight Cowboy
The Life of Emile Zola
From Here to Eternity
Tom Jones

Most memorable (not necessarily the best, just made you think):
Slumdog Millionaire
No Country for Old Men
Schindler's List
The Broadway Melody
Gentleman's Agreement
The Lost Weekend
Ben Hur

Best Romantic:

Best Value or Message:
The Sound of Music

2nd Best Value or Message:
Gentleman's Agreement

Most Depressing:
The Lost Weekend

Just Plain Fun:
The Greatest Show on Earth
It Happened One Night
Around the World in 80 Days
The Sting

My Least Favorite:
Midnight Cowboy

My Most Favorite:
The Sound of Music

Other Favorites:
Out of Africa
Terms of Endearment
Bridge on the River Kwai
Gentleman's Agreement
How Green Was My Valley
You Can't Take It With You
It Happened One Night
The Great Ziegfeld
The Broadway Melody
Gone With the Wing

The One I Thought Was Surprisingly Good yet CREEPY:
No Country for Old Men

Ones that I think EVERYONE Should See:
Gentleman's Agreement
Sound of Music
West Side Story
Forrest Gump

Best Heroes:
Lawrence of Arabia
Mrs. Miniver
On the Waterfront
Ben Hur
A Man For All Seasons
In the Heat of the Night

Movies with strangest "what the huh" moments:
No Country for Old Men
The Apartment
Midnight Cowboy
The Deer Hunter

I think that does it! This has been an interesting experience, re-thinking through this list of films that is rather expansive. For your own enjoyment, here is the entire list. If I had to pick two most people have never seen that they should see, it would be Gentleman's Agreement and The Broadway Melody. Broadway Melody is an old, old film that has surprising depth to it. Check it out.


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